Category: Nuts |Brand: Individual Collection
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Nuts contain enough fat and protein and almost all of their fat is of the healthy, unsaturated type. Vitamins are not found in it, but there is sufficient amount of potassium. It also contains some other essential minerals including magnesium. Dieters try to avoid nut fats for fear of increasing calories. Nuts are low in sugar. As a result, eating almonds will not increase weight. Along with this, it keeps the glucose levels in check and reduces the harmful cholesterol levels for the body. It is good to know that for women who eat almonds regularly, their risk of breast cancer is reduced by half. Those who ate almonds a few days a week had a 74 percent lower risk of heart disease. The reason almonds are so healthy is that they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.