Category: Herbs & Traditional Medicine |Brand: Individual Collection
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Pop a Dabur Hajmola and enjoy the chatpata taste as it stimulates your digestive power, especially when taken regularly, be it after meals, office meetings, or simply during leisure times. Not only does it get the digestive juices working better, it's also a useful laxative for children and adults. This natural stimulant is prepared by 100% ayurvedic mix of traditional culinary herbs, spices and edible salts that helps for digestion and gives quick relief from flatulence. Why opt for something unhealthy when Hajmola gives both chatpata taste and amazing benefits? It is available in five variants namely Regular, Imli, Pudina, Borhani and Anardana. Why Hajmola? • Chatpata tablets, fun to have at any time of the day • Improves digestion for kids and adults • Useful in cases of indigestion, loss of appetite and flatulence • Great way to enjoy while staying healthy • Chatpata taste is good for a change of taste in mouth.